2017 CSA shares now available!

April 3rd, 2016 by Cedar Isle Farm

For CSA share details, please see our website and the registration form.

Thank you!

Jim, Diane & Yoshi

Cedar Isle Farm

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SFU – UFV Students Study Beetles at Cedar Isle Farm

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When our good friend Todd Kabaluk,  research scientist at Pacific Agric-Foods Research Centre, asked if SFU graduate student Joyce Leung could study the movements of wireworm beetles at Cedar Isle Farm, we were delighted to agree.  Todd’s work on the biological control of this crop pest is important and is of special interest to organic growers.  (See his profile here).  Soon Joyce, assisted by students from SFU and UFV, set up camp for their all-night experiment.  Here is the blog post that Joyce wrote specially for Cedar Isle Farm Organic Grain CSA:

If anyone had walked by Cedar Isle farm in the week of June 4th, they would have been understandably confused by the eight 2m by 30m strips of freshly mowed grass. Should they have decided to remain, and looked closely, they may have noticed a strangely colored beetle crawling around. This beetle would have been one of hundreds that were released as part of a research project carried out by Simon Fraser University, in collaboration with the University of Fraser Valley and Agriculture and Agri-food Canada.

Permainan Hadiah 2d Togel cocok untuk Anda yang ingin meraih kemenangan dengan taruhan yang tidak terlalu tinggi. Dengan hadiah 2D yang bervariasi, pemain dapat memilih jenis taruhan yang sesuai dengan strategi dan harapan mereka.

My name is Joyce, and I am a graduate student at SFU, studying the use of pheromone (scents used in animal communication) in the control of the dusky click beetle. The larval stages of click beetles, the wireworms, are a pest of many root crops in both Europe and North America. They enjoy feeding on the parts of the plant that are underground, which creates tunnels in the crop that make them unmarketable. They are especially a big problem for potato farmers. Many of the insecticides that have been used previously in wireworm control have been, or will be banned because of environmental and health safety concerns. Because of this, there is a great need in developing alternative forms of control, and one such solution is to use a granular form of pheromone to attract them to a fungal insecticide. To see how effective pheromone granules are in attracting beetles, I decided to find out how far away they can attract beetles from.

Pemain togel sangat mengandalkan data Macau untuk menganalisis angka-angka yang sering keluar di pasaran ini. Data tersebut dapat membantu pemain memahami tren angka, sehingga mereka bisa membuat prediksi yang lebih tepat. Oleh sebab itu, Data Macau adalah bagian penting dalam strategi togel.


Amanda and Chris marking out beetle release points

Amanda and Chris marking out beetle release points


To investigate this, my team and I packed up our bags at the end of May and set out to Cedar Isle farm to set up our field site, which Jim kindly offered to us. We created 8 strips of grass, to which we were going to introduce into the middle, a band of pheromone granules. The plan was we would release beetles from different distances, and see which ones we got back. We would do this in two ways: firstly, by setting up pitfall traps to trap beetles that reach the band and secondly, we would crawl on our knees and look for beetles.

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Chris, checking pitfall traps. Pitfall traps are traps made from plastic cups that are installed into the ground so that the rim is level with the ground. When an animal falls in, they can’t escape because of the smooth wall created by the sides of the cup.

Chris, checking pitfall traps. Pitfall traps are traps made from plastic cups that are installed into the ground so that the rim is level with the ground. When an animal falls in, they can’t escape because of the smooth wall created by the sides of the cup.

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Sara playing hide and seek with beetles. To save us from having to look for beetles throughout the entire field, we only look for beetles within a wooden frame, of which we put down at certain points in the field. The frame is further divided into a 4 by 4 grid to make searching easier.

Sara playing hide and seek with beetles. To save us from having to look for beetles throughout the entire field, we only look for beetles within a wooden frame, of which we put down at certain points in the field. The frame is further divided into a 4 by 4 grid to make searching easier.


Prior to our experiment, we spent 2 weeks painting hundreds of beetles individually in different color combinations, in order to tell apart the different beetles. By June 4th, my team made up of Tamara and Amanda from SFU, and Chris, Sara and Aaron from UFV set out to put the finishing touches to our plots, so that it would be ready for the experiment that would begin the next day.


We painted over 2000 beetles, coding for 64 different treatments.

We painted over 2000 beetles, coding for 64 different treatments.


At 6am, we said goodbye to our 2300 painted beetles, and released them, not knowing whether we would ever see them again. We split off into our respective tasks; Chris was responsible for checking pitfall traps. Tamara, Aaron, Sara and I were responsible for looking for beetles on the ground. We were in motion, and working like a well-oiled machine. We surveyed every hour, and we continued on for 24 hours. Happily we greeted over 200 our beetles in our pitfall traps, just half an hour after we released them. The pheromone was working! Over the course of the 24 hours, we managed to recover almost half of the beetles that were released. What was surprising was that we had 19 cases of beetles moving between strips. This means that they were moving distances of over 20m!  Who knew little beetles could travel so far? Unfortunately, the ground searching team only found a total of 15 beetles. The beetles were just too good at hiding.

It is promising to know how effective the pheromone is in drawing beetles in, and it is my hope that in the future we will have a safe and easy alternative way of controlling wireworms. Thank you so much Jim and Diane, for providing us with the best field site someone could ever ask for, and also a huge thank you to Harprit and Amanda for assisting in setting up the field, and Tamara, Chris, Aaron and Sara for taking part in our marathon experiment.




Aaron doing a side experiment on slug slime patterns on portable toilets.

Aaron doing a side experiment on slug slime patterns on portable toilets.


Sara catches some Z’s whilst Tamara enjoys a book

Sara catches some Z’s whilst Tamara enjoys a book


Aaron and Chris squeezing in some electronic battleship in between observations

Aaron and Chris squeezing in some electronic battleship in between observations


The Dream Team! It’s clear that some of us were in better spirits than others at the end of our marathon experiment.

The Dream Team! It’s clear that some of us were in better spirits than others at the end of our marathon experiment.

Seasons within the seasons

May 25th, 2015 by Cedar Isle Farm

May 10, 2015

by Henrie

We talk of four seasons to a year, and yet I am struck by the seasons within the seasons. This is my second year in Agassiz, and I am learning newly about spring.  The fall rye celebrates its spring in the fall.  The garlic settles into the soil in late fall and starts to grow.  And now, with the rye going to seed as the oats and the wheat can almost wave in a light breeze, part of the landscape is verdant and lush.  Grain production is in full-swing, and Jim can revel in the fact that it has all happened earlier this year.  The spring mix of dry and wet has been ideal.

The sections of the farm relegated to hay fields have already been subjected to the first harvest of the year, with the waist high grasses mown and then collected and moved to the silos within a 48 hour period.  The fields now look like the prairies, the stubble yellowed and bleak-looking for the first few days, winter-like alongside the green of rye, oats and wheat. But the air has been thick and rich with the spring smell of freshly mown grass.  Cedar Isle Farm provides fodder for the two dairy farms down the road and for a herd of goats in Abbotsford as well.

The robins enjoy an early spring: they have already had their young and the nest on the back deck is empty.  The swallows have long deliberated over the perfect nesting spot, and are starting to collect bits of mud and dampness to paste together a family home.  In the middle of the night, I spotted two in the carport, sitting side by side along a wire.  The spattering of guano on the concrete floor made me look up.  I retain an image of their conjugal bliss. Their life together is about more than propagating the species, I am sure.  Their companionship, side by side, in the dead of night, is poetic.

A person might think that a grain farmer might now be sleeping in, sitting back, putting his feet up, chewing on stalks of grass.  There are actually other things to do than seed and harvest on Cedar Isle Farm.  New chicks grown to teenaged size needed a new roost, and the other chicken incubation room needed a thorough cleaning.  The new roosts have been routered so that the chickens have some purchase on the 2x4s.  And a chicken-sized door has magically appeared, with the mechanics to open and close by pull cord from the other side of the building.  There will be no slinking past squawking chickens to open the door with Jim on the job.

And Jim is the proud owner of a new-to-him seeder, having borrowed seeders in previous years.  A neighbour who knew Jim might like a seeder of his own purchased one at a local farm equipment auction.  He stopped bidding after $2400 on the supermodel, and bought the poor cousin for a mere $100.  He delivered it too.  Jim is delighted.  The new hydraulic system cost more than the entire unit, it must be told, but a relic is thus springing back to life.  And Jim cleaned up the acre counter.  I have no other name for it.  It is a series of cogs that measures the amount of land covered and seed dispersed.  Recall that Jim contorted his brain with mathematical sums to calculate the coverage per acre with the borrowed seeder.  This seeder is at least 45 years old, of a time when simple mechanics were revered. We have included a photo.  A close look allows you to read the dials.

For years I drove the highway between Hope and Metro Vancouver with eyes on the road, an ordeal to endure.  Now happily rooted on Cedar Isle Farm, nestled between mountains and valley, I marvel at the dynamic landscape and lifestyle, of a rapturous beauty, the seasons fluid.

2015 CSA shares now available!

May 25th, 2015 by Cedar Isle Farm

Follow this link for share details!

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Soggy blog

April 27th, 2015 by Cedar Isle Farm

On the farm the rain has actually been welcomed – Jim worked like the dickens to get all the spring wheat seeded before the deluge and he succ(s)eeded!  And thus the kernels of spring wheat are soaking up the moisture and readying to burst into plants.



The knack of planting does not come without a knack for troubleshooting, so lest you think the life of a farmer is only dampened by premature rains or hungry ducks, we include a picture of Jim wrestling with the seeder.  A person needs to calibrate the machine, to control the amount of seed per row per spread of the spigots on the seeder.  Personally I have used a yardstick, a tape measure, or a length of wood, but I am planting one seed and one row at a time in the vegetable patch!  The seeder saves a person that amount of effort, but mathematical calculations on distance between rows and kernels, over the span of the seeder and the length of the rows, calls for a bit of head scratching, scribbling on paper, and then a sample weight of seed dispersed into a bucket by manual rotation of the cog, to make sure the planting is optimal. A mere few hours later, Jim is back in the driver’s seat and studding the field with kernels of wheat.



Our second image on this rainy day blog is of the fall rye on a glorious day earlier last week, planted in the fall and now thigh high and a luscious green – Mount Cheam looms in the background, our mountainous touchstone and companion in all we undertake in this part of the valley.  And a shot of Yoshi’s garlic, readying for harvest in July.  His potato starts are still thinking about things.



And then we include a big hello from a bear.  We walked, Yoshi, Diane and myself, as well as Bella and Axle the Dogs, around the circumference of the farm of an evening, and the next late afternoon, I discovered that the bear(s) were back.  We delight in sharing the farm, with ducks, swallows, bears and beavers, owls, the occasional skunk, and of course the frogs.  The bears are of special stature, and we appreciate their calling cards.  They leave wet paw prints on the road, crushed patches of grass where they too like a good roll, bits of fur on the barbed wire, and stool samples, black and showing evidence of a diet of grasses at this time of year.

Stay dry – the week ahead promises some sun!



Happy spring greetings from Cedar Isle Farm

April 22nd, 2015 by Cedar Isle Farm

Happy spring greetings and welcome back to Urban Grains!

The new season is definitely here on the farm and change is in the air…

When Urban Grains CSA was formed in 2009, it was run by Martin and Ayla in Vancouver and Cedar Isle Farm was the sole grain supplier.  Over the years, the management of the program has shifted to the farm.  After some thought, we have decided to change the name of the CSA to reflect the fact that the program now comes under the umbrella of Cedar Isle Farm.

As well as the new name, the CSA will have some new options. We will still be offering 20kg shares of flour or kernels, as before,  but we will also offer 10kg half shares for those who find the smaller quantity more manageable.

This year we are also growing some new crops on the farm which you can order as ‘add-ons’ to your grain share. We will have oat kernels available as well as certified organic garlic and potatoes. If you order any of these products, we will bring them to Vancouver along with your share of the grain harvest.

Finally, we have a new face to welcome. In addition to Jim, Diane and Yoshi, Henrie deBoer joins us this season. Henrie is a marvel around the farm and has agreed to write blog posts as the year unfolds. You can read her first one below to give you a sense of life on the farm in early April.

So stay tuned! We are excited about the upcoming changes and hope you will enjoy them too!

Diane and Jim in Agassiz
Yoshi in Vancouver

Here is Henrie’s first post.

A fine harbinger of spring on Cedar Isle Farm is the two-toned call of the red winged blackbird sounding across the pond.  A person can then find hints of yellow on the forsythia, and the cover crops on the field slowly ‘fatten up’.  The blades look fuller, greener, and it grows.  Shortly after the blackbirds start calling their spring song, the frogs come to life, filling the night with frog song.  The Italian honey bees leave the hives and fill the early flowering fruit trees with a buzz of activity.  Other birds return year after year – the flocks of swallows that suddenly swoop and swirl in celebration, or tumble all of a line off the hydro wires fill the heart with joy.  We might doubt, in the gloom of sodden skies and days of rain, that the season will change, but the exuberance of the swallows in their communal flight and flurry makes it official.

The first real scent of spring on the farm is the manure being spread on the fields. It does not sound romantic, and those with little connection to life on the farm might find the smell offensive, heady.  The tractors and their honey wagons slow traffic as they make their way from barns to fields.  They make the slow circles with the spray providing a happy boost to grasses grown for fodder, and to fallow fields waiting for their spring seeding.

Jim gets antsy in the spring.  He works through his daily chores with an eye to the weather and ground conditions outside.  His tractor gets a once-over.  He looks for his thermos and his hat.  The first task is to plough the fields, turning in the cover crops.  The cover crops serve a few functions – they keep the winter winds from stripping off the top layer, and they provide some nutrition to the soil, putting back instead of just taking.  We replenish our bodies with food after a day of work and activity; the fields require the same care and attention after a season of growth and harvest.

After the fields have been ploughed, they get a disking, whereby the big clods are rendered much finer.  This year the weather provided a fine stretch of dry.  Ploughing and disking takes days of endless circles and runs on the tractor, and the seeding must then follow.  The oats have been sown in the near field.  The field looks like a blank canvas.  With the rains of last night, it won’t be long before the oats have sprouted and show green.  Spring has arrived on Cedar Isle Farm.


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Fall update from Cedar Isle Farm‏

October 22nd, 2014 by Cedar Isle Farm

Happy October!

As the greyness becomes dominant in weather forecast, Cedar Isle Farm is in a hurry getting winter grain in the ground. The seeds are sown with our optimism for next season and encouragement of your support for us! Let’s keep our fingers crossed for a productive year ahead.

Next year’s rye crop has emerged, ready for winter, shielded on the north by the windbreak.

After many delays, two acres of a special field of winter wheat was seeded October 7th — the last window of opportunity for the season. We’re hoping favourable weather will permit it to grow several leaves before winter sets in and the plants go dormant.

Agassiz CSA member Meeghen Eaton hand-sows some experimental plots of winter wheat.

Jim packs newly-seeded garden-sized winter wheat plots with a heavy roller.

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Protected: Members only: Share Pick-up Sharing 2014

October 3rd, 2014 by Cedar Isle Farm

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Harvest update / Hull-less oats / CSA member starting a micro bakery

September 26th, 2014 by Cedar Isle Farm

Happy September! The sky is clearer, nights are cooler, and stars are brighter. We’re welcoming the change of season here at Cedar Isle Farm, and making the most of a good stretch of sunny days.
In non-grain news, the mama cat has had a second batch of kittens (free to good homes) and the ducks have done their best to eat every slug on the farm. The sparrows have eaten well, the swallows have hatched more young than we can count, and we hear the young barn owls from time to time instead of every night.
Meanwhile, all of the grains have been harvested and the fields are in the midst of being ploughed and seeded: plans for the coming year have been drawn up and we even passed, with flying colours, our annual inspection from BCARA (our organic certifier). It’s been a great season for the farm, and we’re looking forward to sharing our stories and crops with you!

Harvest Update
Despite weedy patches in some of the fields and a few lodged (fallen over) crops, the warm and dry weather in August allowed us to harvest some mighty-fine grain. Everything has been cleaned to remove weed seeds and has been nicely dried. Most of it is  waiting patiently, though with some anticipation (as are we, to be honest), to be sent to Anita’s Organic Mill for milling and packaging. The distribution date will be announced soon!

Hull-less Oats
Our farm grew a new crop this season: hull-less oats. This variety of oats was developed in Canada and marketed as “Rice of Prairies” due to a culinary character similar to rice (more information about the oats in this article from Georgia Straight).  You can look forward to hearing more about these oats in the future… for now, let us just say: they’re delicious!

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